Diplomatic Flight Clearance:
Diplomatic or Overflight clearance (DFC) is required for official flights using state registered aircraft (i.e. those used in Military, Customs and Police Services), which intend landing in/ or overfly the UK, and it’s Crown Dependencies, Overseas Territories or overseas military bases. This is not applicable for repatriation related flights.
DFC should be arranged with the Ministry of Defence by completing the DFC Request Form UK and sending via email to the Ministry of Defence team.
DFC requests should be sent with a minimum of three working days’ notice; requests sent later than this risk refusal. Once granted, clearances are valid for a 72 hour period each side of the proposed date. Any alterations to flight timings should be submitted to the above email address as soon as possible. Any changes of more than 72 hours will require a new request to be submitted.
Working hours:
E-mail to: SPOCTandUK-DipFlightClearance@mod.gov.uk
Tel: 0300 156 3962 (in extreme circumstances only)
Only to be used Outside working hours 1800-0700, Weekends and Bank Holidays:
Tel: 0306 788 8938
E-mail to: DCMC-DCDSDO-Office@mod.gov.uk
Please note:
– that diplomatic flight clearance does not grant private aircraft permission to land/use an airport – this must be arranged separately with the airports themselves.
– only the airport / UK flight handler can grant permission to land at an airport.
– airports issue PPR numbers which are needed for landing – the DFC form is not a PPR request.
All enquiries should be directed to the Diplomatic Flight Clearance Officer at the Ministry of Defence.
Maritime Diplomatic Clearance:
Maritime Diplomatic Clearance (MDC) is required for any State owned or operated warship or support vessel (i.e. those used by Auxiliary Forces, Customs or Police Services) wishing to conduct activity within the Territorial Waters of another State that is not considered Innocent Passage under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Part 2 – Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Article 17. This includes military exercises, port visits, dropping anchor, launching embarked aircraft, Hydrographic Survey, Scientific Research, or any other activity that does not constitute a simple transit.
Clearance should be arranged with the Ministry of Defence via the visiting State’s Embassy or High Commission, which should submit a Maritime Diplomatic Clearance application form to NAVYCOMOPS-DIPCLEAR@mod.gov.uk at least 4 weeks in advance of the visit.