Protected: Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection (PaDP) emergency text messaging system (formerly Project Hermes)

Protected: Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection (PaDP) emergency text messaging system (formerly Project Hermes).

PaDP’s emergency text messaging system is a means of communicating alerts and updates on security matters, including a mass casualty incident, from the Metropolitan Police Service to diplomatic missions and international organisations. The emergency text messaging system has been introduced to provide information to the diplomatic community in the event of major incident in the UK. It may also be used from time to time to provide important or urgent information not relating to a major incident.

In the event of an incident, PaDP will notify the diplomatic community in a timely manner. This message will be updated as events unfold.

If diplomatic or consular missions have good reason to believe that any of their country’s citizens might have been caught up in an incident, they should report the individual’s details to the Casualty Bureau which will be set up in response to the incident, either by telephone or using the electronic portal. Friends or family of the individuals in question may also report details to the Casualty Bureau. Contact details for the Casualty Bureau will be sent to you and will be available on other media.

The Casualty Bureau will require the following information in respect of missing/affected persons.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Distinctive features (if any)
  • Clothing/Jewellery worn (if known)
  • Reasons you believe them to be involved
  • Passport number (if known)
  • Individual’s mobile phone number
  • Vehicle details (if used by the individual)
  • Last known contact with the individual
  • Next of Kin
  • Contact details for person reporting

Please do not phone the PaDP Control Room, Embassy Liaison Team or Casualty Bureau seeking information about casualties as they will be unable to answer any enquiries. If the UK authorities have specific information about the involvement of any foreign citizens in an incident, Protocol Directorate of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will contact the relevant mission directly.


For further information about the messaging system or to update your contact details, please speak to your PaDP Embassy Liaison Officer. Alternatively, e-mail: